
We don’t move anything ourselves, but your personal and household goods are in good hands with us! WFL is the house-forwarder for a number of removal companies in the Netherlands and takes care of removal transportation. Backed by a worldwide network of removal companies devoted to the proper, smooth handling of your personal and household goods. The key issue is personal effects. Expertise plays a very important role in this type of transportation because of the complex nature of international removals. Moving personal and household goods means more than just shipping them from one port to another, because delay or damage can mean a whole family having to check into a hotel for days or even longer.

We take care of every aspect of transportation from your old home to your new home, anywhere in the world, including the documentation and customs procedures. WFL knows all about the customs clearance issues with these kinds of goods and can help you get through all the customs export/import formalities. If required, we can pack/unpack goods at the pickup/delivery address, including knocking down/setting up furniture and supplying/removing packaging material. In addition to taking care of outgoing personal and household goods, WFL also handles goods on behalf of overseas removal partners and delivers all over Europe (not just in the Netherlands). Rules vary from country to country, so specialist knowledge is essential. A new personal computer may have no problems at all going into one country, but face a series of complex procedures when entering another.

World Freight Logistics is a member of the Household Goods Forwarders Association of America Inc. All the agents/removal companies World Freight Logistics works with are officially approved removal organizations.